Friday 22 January 2016


If you’re like me and are confused about how globalization is changing the world in a negative and a positive keep read. 

The world is changing all around us from the way we walk, travel, speak and much more; knowing that we as people are not the same as we were 50 years ago and many thing have changed don’t you think globalization is a big part of this change? With us kicking off 2016 and the world changing everyday for the good and the bad the environmental aspect is a huge concern.


Our world is being attacked by its own people; when I say that I mean by the things we do like pollute our water, air and harm other countries with our stupid mistakes however globalization has a lot to offer, in a recent attempt to help the world in a positive way. Akon (Singer) has vowing to give electricity to over 600 million Africans after launching a solar academy as part of an initiative called ‘Akon Lighting Africa’ and helping the people of Africa. Secondly the roots of globalization are helping newly developing countries such as Haiti, Peru and many more in ways by connecting them with wealth countries with cheaper transportation along foreign countries for all sorts of goods, free trade reduces barriers such as tariffs, free trade also promotes global economic growth which creates jobs, making companies more competitive, and lowers prices for consumers.


As much as globalization is helping the environment in many ways shown above, there are many downfalls to it as well. Transportation/trade is as bad as it is good; the ships and planes used to trade pollute to water and air we live in, wasting natural sources like fuel on the process. The rich keep getting richer; in a article from, “The UN Development Program reports that the richest 20 percent of the world's population consume 86 percent of the world's resources, while the poorest 80 percent consume just 14 percent”.

Industrial Globalization

Industrial globalization has changed for the world in many ways, its made countries like Saudi Arabia and India much more balanced and richer then ever before. Industries have molded the new era (21 Century) into a stronger way of living, creating more jobs and overall a more stable future however not everything in sunshine and rainbows, there are many downfalls because on the other hand, as we watched The Economics Of Happiness the people from the villages were very confused by what is happening to people on the streets not happy and one thing the women said that do to me was “This is not sustainable” and making it clear that simply is better.


Jobs; Jobs run the world and without a job you wont be able to succeed it this world. Now that the economy is in demand of trades and more physical working jobs the industrial market is helping people with that; now if we go back to trading and tariffs for example the shipping process demands jobs, increasing jobs in the long run and pushing economy in a better direction; not just cramping all the wealth into the middle however spreading it out to all.


Many jobs in countries such as China, India and Pakistan have poor working conditions, exploitation is one of the main problems in third world countries, sweat shops are a common practice between shady businesses. Many big name companies such as Gap, Guess, Nike and Hollister have been accused of having factories in countries commonly known for there sweat shop practices. Saving money for these big companies is key to cut down cost and get the best profit they can.


Globalization is a big part of all of our lives and its very hard to know how many people feel around the world because globalization is very different from what a first world country feels about it and a third world country feels about it for example; many third world countries depending on the region don’t have proper workers compensation as we do in Canada.


1 comment:

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